Sowing Seeds of Peace

Uniting the World, One Heart at a Time

I am rebranding this page and will be selling T-shirts and Hoodies at the Brigden Fair.

For information about T-Shirt and Hoodies, Click Here.

I am also planning to get more active in "Sowing Seeds of Peace." I will be recruiting PEACE ADVOCATES, at the Brigden Fair and at future events. I will then enter into dialogue with the new recruits about starting meetings on zoom and in person. Of course, the T-Shirts and Hoodies with "ADVOCATE FOR WORLD PEACE" printed on them should help to win over recruits.

Would you like to become a PEACE ADVOCATE? Send me an email if you want to commit to doing your part to achieve world peace.

What causes war? I looked at the causes of the USA Civil war in the mid 1800's and offered a fictional alternative. Could history have been changed if one person had done something different? My imagination resulted in a story of love, passion, adventure, and danger. Read "The Alternative to War" and discover what you can imagine. "Imagine all the people living for today." (Lennon)

The Tribe Called Red is doing much to break down cultural barriers and promote peace. There music is entertaining and has a positive message.

Prayer For Healing

During this time in the history of the Earth we stand, more than ever before, in need of PRAYER. Whether it is a pandemic or war, we all need healing. We need to "Sow the SEEDS OF PEACE" as we pray for spiritual and physical healing.

A Short Healing Prayer

Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

Long Healing Prayer

The Fire Tablet

Tablet of Ahmad


Starting with just one person committing to live in peace with himself, those around him and the complete population of the world, and then influencing one person per year who would do the same, we could have world peace by 2051. If we had started this 32 years ago, we would have world peace now. I started the Sowing Peace initiative in 2012 to attempt to do this, but I am not sure I have influenced even one person. If I had accomplished my objective we would be at year Seven, or 128 people now. It would be interesting to find out how many people in the world could commit to living in peace right now, then we can see where that number fits in the chart below. We would then have an estimate of how many more years it will take to have world peace if each one of us diligently manages to influence just one more person each year. It seems this is very difficult to do, but the results would be amazing, so why not give it a try.

One heart at a time.

2019 Year one: If I would commit myself to peace, and influence one other person to do so in a year, then we would be two.

2020 Year two: If two go on to influence two more, we would be four.

2021 Year three: If four go on to influence four more, we would be eight.

2022 Year four: If eight go on to influence eight more, we would be sixteen.

2023 Year five: If sixteen go on to influence sixteen more, we would be 32.

2024 Year six: If 32 go on to influence 32 more, we would be 64.

2025 Year Seven: If 64 go on to influence 64 more, we would be 128.

2026 Year Eight: If 128 go on to influence 128 more, we would be 256.

2027 Year nine: If 256 go on to influence 256 more, we would be 512.

2028 Year Ten: If 512 go on to influence 512 more, we would be 1,024.

2029 Year 11: If 1,024 go on to influence 1,024 more, we would be 2,048.

Population of Falkland Islands 3,377

2030 Year 12: If 2,048 go on to influence 2,048 more, we would be 4,096.

2031 Year 13: If 4,096 go on to influence 4,096 more, we would be 8,192.

2032 Year 14: If 8,192 go on to influence 8,192 more, we would be 16,384.

2033 Year 15: If 16,384 go on to influence 16,384 more, we would be 32,768.

Population of Greenland 56,672

2034 Year 16: If 32,768 go on to influence 32,768 more, we would be 65,536.

2035 Year17: If 65,536 go on to influence 65,536 more, we would be 131,072

2036 Year 18: If 131,072 go on to influence 131,072 more, we would be 262,144

2037: Year 19: If 262,144 go on to influence 262,144 more, we would be 524,288.

2038: Year 20: If 524,288go on to influence 524,288more, we would be 1,048,576.

2039: Year 21: If 1,048,576 go on to influence 1,048,576 more, we would be 2,097,152.

2040:Year 22: If 2,097,152 go on to influence 2,097,152 more, we would be 4,194,304.

Population of Panama 4,246,439

2041: Year 23: If 4,194,304 go on to influence 4,194,304 more, we would be 8,388,608.

2042: Year 24: If 8,388,608 go on to influence 8,388,608 more, we would be 16,777,216.

Population of Chile 18,952,038

2043: Year 25: If 16,777,216 go on to influence 16,777,216 more, we would be 33,554,432.

Population of Canada 37,411,047

2044: Year 26: If 33,554,432 go on to influence 33,554,432 more, we would be 67,108,864.

2045: Year 27: If 67,108,864 go on to influence 67,108,864 more, we would be 134,217,728.

2046: Year 28: If 134,217,728 go on to influence 134,217,728 more, we would be 268,435,456.

Population of USA 329,064,917

2047: Year 29: If 268,435,456 go on to influence 268,435,456 more, we would be 536,870,912.

2048: Year 30: If 536,870,912 go on to influence 536,870,912 more, we would be 1,073,741,824.

Population of China 1,433,783,686

2049: Year 31: If 1,073,741,824 go on to influence 1,073,741,824 more, we would be 2,147,483,648.

2050: Year 32: If 2,147,483,648 go on to influence 2,147,483,648 more, we would be 4,294,967,296.

Population of the World about 7,745,000,000. Predicted to be about 9,700,000,000 by 2050.

2051: Year 33: If 4,294,967,296 go on to influence 4,294,967,296 more, we would be 8,589,934,592.

2052: Year 34: If 8,589,934,592 go on to influence 8,589,934,592 more, we would be 17,179,869,184.

By 2052 we would have to include another planet.

2053: Year 35: If 17,179,869,184 go on to influence 17,179,869,184 more, we would be 34,359,738,368.

We would have to expand to two more planets in 2023

2054: Year 36: If 34,359,738,368 go on to influence 34,359,738,368 more, we would be 68,719,476,736.

We should have eight planets with the population of the earth living in peace in 2054.

And so on.

Sowing Peace